Online arbitrage is a savvy and exciting pursuit for those with a keen business sense. This practice involves skillfully acquiring discounted or closeout merchandise from the internet and reselling it for a lucrative profit.
With Amazon as a top marketplace, many shrewd operators have found success in this crafty game. By maximizing their gains and minimizing their costs, they have discovered a profitable way to turn their online arbitrage skills into a thriving business.
If you use FBM
Pick&Pack order fee depends on the dimensions of an order.
L+W+H < 40cm (15.8”)
L+W+H = 41 - 80cm (15.8” - 31.5”)
L+W+H = 81 - 104cm (31.6” - 41”)
L+W+H > 104cm (41”)
If you use FBA
Price per unit is based on volume.
20-100 units per month
L+W+H = 60-100 cm (23.6"-39.3")
Weight up to 2 kg (4.4 lb)
100—1000 units per month
L+W+H = 60-100 cm (23.6"-39.3")
Weight up to 2 kg (4.4 lb)
over 1000 units per month
L+W+H = 60-100 cm (23.6"-39.3")
Weight up to 2 kg (4.4 lb)
- With just a modest investment, you can potentially yield a substantial return on investment.
- When it comes to online arbitrage, there is no need to worry about registering your brand as it is not a necessity to get started and see success in this industry.
- We help you broaden your product offerings and increase your sales, benefiting both you and your customers. Our partnership ensures that everyone comes out on top.