Mother's Day is coming soon! Time to get your store ready for the holidays!

In the United States of America, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. For Americans, this holiday is very important. It is in 5th place in popularity after St. Valentine's Day, Batkiv Day, Easter and Christmas. In addition, Mother's Day is the third largest retail holiday after Christmas and Valentine's Day.
Let's review the overall statistics of the holiday:
- Marketplaces account for roughly 25% of all Mother's Day gift purchases.
- 36% of gifts purchased are jewelry.
- The average American spends around $205 on a Mother's Day gift.
- Over 86% of Americans celebrate Mother's Day and nearly everyone sends a greeting card.
- Mother's Day flowers make up 26% of all holiday transactions at flower shops in the United States
We can also note that in Febrary 2023, there is a higher search volume for keywords related to "Mother's Day gift" compared to the same period in 2022.
Ahead of such a significant holiday, we have compiled some tips that can help boost sales.
Tip №1: Personalize the product.
We have noticed an annual peak in November and December for keyword requests for custom items on US Etsy. In fact, there has been a 49% annual increase in demand for customized products compared to March 2022.
Personalization is a simple and effective way to lure customers. When selecting a gift, particularly for a loved one like a mother, it's important that it stands out and is unique. By offering the option to add a name, photo or an engraving, such as a child's drawing, to your product, you're providing a significant advantage to your store guaranteeing customer attraction.Personalization is also significant for the wedding theme, as we discussed in the article titled "The Wedding Season Begins!"
Tip №2: Evaluate low-performing listings and keywords
When updating listings for Mother's Day shoppers, remember the Golden Rule: never change a listing that is already successful! It is advisable to utilize eRank to review listings. Take careful note of your advertisement's visibility score. If the score is below 9%, it's likely that you need to focus on this advertisement and make it more pertinent
In conclusion, it is important not to modify the listings of top-performing products. However, it is crucial to focus on ads with few reviews that have the potential to attract Mother's Day buyers.
Tip №3: Review Trends from Last Year
At least four to six weeks before the holiday, allocate time to analyze the search trend data from the previous year. Certain products or services may be perennial favorites that remain consistent from year to year.
Popular searches in April 2022:
By adjusting your keyword selection to align with the most frequently searched queries, you increase the likelihood of attracting new customers.Additionally, you may wish to refer to the "Mother's Day: A Keepsake" article for insights into gift statistics and trends for 2022.
Tip №4: Analyze popular keyword searches from other countries for the same holiday
It's important to note that Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates around the world. For instance, Norway celebrates on the second Sunday of February, while in Great Britain it falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent (which was celebrated on March 19 this year). Even if you don't sell in these countries, you can still use search statistics to your advantage by analyzing popular search queries and adjusting your approach accordingly.
Take the time to analyze the market in your niche, adjust your listings to accommodate the most popular queries, and enjoy the growth in buyer traffic. SkladUSA will handle the delivery of your goods to your customers.
SkladUSA. You sell we`ll do the rest!
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