Send with FedEx Ukraine and win!

Every month 5 winners will receive nice gifts from FedEx Ukraine

We invite our customers to join the joint promotion of SkladUSA and FedEx Ukraine. Every shipment you make with FedEx Ukraine gives you the opportunity to win nice prizes.

The promotion period is from December 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025.

Participants of the promotion: Individuals and legal entities that are registered users of the SkladUSA personal account and send parcels via FedEx Ukraine during the campaign period.

Terms of participation

Registration: To participate in the promotion, you must have a registered personal account on SkladUSA.

Sending: Each shipment of a parcel via FedEx Ukraine, registered in the SkladUSA personal account, is considered one participation in the draw.

The numbers of the shipment: There are no restrictions on the number of shipments.

Frequency of drawings: Prizes are drawn every month on the 2nd day of the month.

Determination of winners: Every month, 5 winners are determined among all participants who have fulfilled the conditions of the promotion. The winners are those participants who have made the most shipments for each month of the campaign, until the 31st day of the corresponding month inclusive.


Every month, 5 winners will receive nice gifts from FedEx Ukraine, and the participant who makes the most shipments per month will also receive a promo code for sending one consolidation from SkladUSA.

How to find out the results

The winners will be announced on SkladUSA's social media pages and personally notified of their winnings.

Additional terms and conditions

- Participants of the promotion automatically agree to the rules of the promotion.

- The organizer of the promotion reserves the right to change the rules of the promotion without prior notice.

- Prizes are not subject to exchange for cash equivalent.

- Participation in the promotion means consent to the use of the participant's personal data for the purpose of the promotion and informing about the results.

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Send with FedEx Ukraine and win!fedexua_promotion

Send with FedEx Ukraine and win!

2024-11-29T10:00:00+02:002024-11-27T11:08:26+02:00Every month 5 winners will receive nice gifts from FedEx Ukraine