What type of delivery of goods to choose for customers in the United States

Let's talk about carriers in the United States

When sending their goods to the USA using SkladUSA consolidation or from a warehouse in the USA, the seller must immediately choose a method of delivery to the final recipient from the SkladUSA warehouse. When making a decision while placing an order, it is important to rely not only on the cost of delivery (although this is also very important), but also on the capabilities of each option.

Therefore, when creating a consolidation or sending from a warehouse in the USA, the seller has a choice regarding delivery within the USA (fig. 1).


Let's consider the differences between them:

USPS United States Postal Service (USPS) – a government postal service that delivers shipments across the entire territory of the USA.

Average delivery time across the USA: from 3 days

Can carry out both courier delivery and delivery to a Post Office Box (PO Box)

Any packaging format of the goods is allowed

In case it is impossible to deliver the parcel to the recipient, the shipment is returned to the sender. USPS First Class shipments (up to 434g) are not insured. USPS Priority shipments (from 434g) are insured by default with a maximum insurance payout of $50. The cost of additional insurance is $1.10 for every $100 of the maximum insurance payout. All shipments from the consolidation are handed over to the carrier within 24 hours. Tracking number updates may take up to 1 week.

Calculate the cost of delivery

FedEx FedEx – an international carrier that delivers worldwide. All shipments are insured by the carrier with a maximum insurance payout of $100. Additional insurance for the shipment is also possible. All shipments from the consolidation are handed over to the carrier within 24 hours. Tracking number updates occur immediately after the carrier receives the shipment.

In the USA, FedEx offers several delivery options.

FedEx Ground / Ground Economy The best choice for bulky packages, as it is specifically designed for transporting large cargoes. In this case, shipments are transported by ground.

It is not possible to calculate the cost of shipping independently, but in the case of bulky cargo, SkladUSA employees in the USA use this type of delivery to reduce the client's shipping costs.

Average delivery times across the USA: 2-4 days

Only courier delivery is possible

Only new boxes without barcodes with minimal use of tape are allowed for packaging.

Calculating the cost independently in the SkladUSA calculator is not possible, only when arranging the shipment in the personal account

FedEx Overnight The most expensive but, at the same time, the fastest way of delivery. In cases where the goods need to reach the final recipient as quickly as possible, FedEx Overnight is the best choice.

Delivery across the USA overnight. Therefore, the day after the order or receipt of the shipment at the warehouse in the USA, the goods will be delivered to the recipient. Additionally, an important feature of FedEx Overnight is the possibility of delivery on Saturday.

Only courier delivery is possible

Shipments are accepted if packed in boxes, envelopes (34×23 cm), or FedEx bags (39×30 cm)

Calculating the cost independently in the SkladUSA calculator is not possible, only when arranging the shipment in the personal account

FedEx 2-Day Air A convenient and reliable way to deliver small shipments. A separate advantage of this type of delivery is a fixed cost: FedEx envelope (34×23 cm) – $ 7.5, FedEx bag (39×30 cm) – $ 9.5

Average delivery times across the USA: 2 days

Only courier delivery is possible

Shipments are accepted if packed exclusively in envelopes (34×23 cm) or FedEx bags (39×30 cm)

Calculate the cost of deliveryTherefore, when choosing a method of delivery of goods to customers in the USA, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the cost but also to the speed, delivery formats, and, of course, the types of packaging. The cost of delivery can be preliminarily calculated using the SkladUSA calculator.

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What type of delivery of goods to choose for customers in the United States

What type of delivery of goods to choose for customers in the United States

2021-11-02T16:00:00+02:002024-01-12T15:54:22+02:00Let's talk about carriers in the United States